Ashley Jackson Smith

 Ashley Smith is living proof that you can have it all! She takes much pride in being a wife, mother, healthcare worker and singer. Ashley was born into a musical family, therefore music is down in her soul. Over the years she has directed multiple choirs and oversees numerous praise and worship teams. She is the Founder and Lead Singer of Gospel Quartet Group “Revived”. Ashley is the Co-owner of “Mood Music Studio’s”. Rather she is on stage or behind a stethoscope you will always find her humming a tone. Ashley knew at an early age that her vocal ability would help her through life’s journey. She became a member of “ The Norwood Kids Foundation Choir “ at the age of 11. Which opened up numerous opportunities for her. Being from a small town, she always sang at church functions, festivals, weddings and various programs. One of her biggest musical  inspirations would be her mother. Watching her mother serve her community through music ministry made Ashley realize that she wanted to walk in that same path.  Ashley lives by her motto “The World is yours, If you believe in yourself & have Faith, you can have it All!